week 8- group presentations
This week we talked in the group chat about organising how we were going to approach the presentation. i made a shared google doc's folder and everyone sent me their email. I was able then to add them all to it. A few of us in vis-com met up during class one day and split up the work so that everyone had a part to play in the presentation. This meant that we could work independently on our own section. We aimed to have each of our parts to last one minute. We sent our voice recordings and images we wanted to include to Hugh and Pete who edited it together before class. My section was "vr shopping and what it is". It was quite simple, i just gave a brief summary. I was, however dealt a bad hand because I had left the voice recording to the last day, and I woke up that morning with a very bad stomach bug. I slept all day after being violently sick all morning. When I recorded I sounded terrible but it was funny too. I found the group work to be quite a good process. Fac...